Tuesday, 9 July 2013


Tujuan                         : Menentukan kadar alcohol dalam bahan pangan.
Prinsip                         : Reaksi oksidasi dikromat oleh alcohol dalam suasana asam.

Alat dan Bahan           :
·         Labu ukur
·         Erlenmeyer]tabung reaksi
·         Waterbath
·         Vortex mixer
·         Pipet ukur
·         Pipet tetes
·         Kalium kromat ditimbang 33,768 gram dilarutkan dalam akuades lalu ditambahkan secara perlahan 325 mL asam sulfat pekat, dan tepatkan dengan akuades sampai tandabatas dalam labu ukur 1000 mL.
·         Alcohol absolut
·         Sampel
·         Akuades
Prosedur                      :
A.    Penentuan Sampel
1.      Mereaksikan 0,5 mL sampel, 15 mL akuades, 12,5 mL larutan kalium dikromat kedalam Erlenmeyer 50 mL, kocok.
2.      Larutan yang terbentuk diambil 10 mL masukkan ke dalam labu ukur 25 mL, kemudian panaskan pada waterbath dengan suhu 62,50C selama 20 menit.
3.      Dinginkan pada suhu ruang.
4.      Larutan yang sudah dingin, tambahkan akuades sampai tanda batas hingga volume 25 mL, kemudian kocok. ,5 mL larutan dipindahkan ke dalam tabung reaksi dan tambahkan 2,5 mL akuades.
5.      Kocok dengan vortex mixer dan uji sampel dengan spektrofotometer pada panjang gelombang 600 nm. Warna larutan berubah warna dari jingga menjadi hijau.

B.     Pembuatan Kurva Baku
1.      Buatlah kurva baku dengan larutan alcohol dengan konsentrasi 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10% dan 12%.
2.      Lakukan prosedur seperti penetapan sampel dengan mengganti ampel dengan larutan baku alcohol.

1 komentar:

Blogger said...

This way my acquaintance Wesley Virgin's biography starts with this SHOCKING AND CONTROVERSIAL VIDEO.

As a matter of fact, Wesley was in the military-and soon after leaving-he discovered hidden, "mind control" secrets that the government and others used to obtain everything they want.

As it turns out, these are the same SECRETS tons of celebrities (especially those who "became famous out of nowhere") and the greatest business people used to become rich and famous.

You've heard that you utilize only 10% of your brain.

That's mostly because the majority of your brain's power is UNTAPPED.

Perhaps that expression has even taken place INSIDE OF YOUR very own mind... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's mind about 7 years back, while driving an unlicensed, trash bucket of a car without a license and with $3 in his pocket.

"I'm so frustrated with living payroll to payroll! Why can't I become successful?"

You've been a part of those those types of conversations, right?

Your very own success story is waiting to be written. You need to start believing in YOURSELF.


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